In a time of uncertainty, how do we build certainty for our teams?

Without a doubt we have been and still are in very uncertain times. We look around us and things we would not 'normally' have to plan for, consider or worry about - now we do. Compounding to decision making fatigue, we are now thinking about plan a, b, c, d and well sometimes - just not planning, why bother?

The residual impacts of the current world climate and world events impact your staffing and teams (and you). So as leaders, what can we do to offer and give at least some certainty to not compound the impact of such uncertain times?

Here's a few tips, I have found as a leader over these last two years that are just 'little things' we can do to support our teams and give them certainty in even just the smallest of things:

  1. Prime or prepare the brain - Best practice, we should where we can prepare someone's brain for a discussion or a change. Regardless of the circumstance, our brain does not like surprises so we can support our team by setting aside time for a discussion and giving them a theme of the discussion. Use language such as 'what I have to say, may be difficult to hear, or may come as a surprise but I’m here and let's take our time to talk through this.

  2. Have team briefings - Whilst there is information we cannot always divulge or share, there may be things we can share that are in the pipeline. We can brief teams that something is coming and whilst we do not know when, this is the information we do have and there is nothing to action at this time. This really supports priming of the brain.

  3. Schedule in advance - There are many things we might leave last minute, just because. But have you thought about the things that are not changing? For example - set your supervisions with your team, 3 - 6 months in advance. This tells their brain you value them and the supervision space. Set up the next 6 months of your team meeting if it happens every month. Yes things can pop up and you will deal with it, if it does. But in the meantime this is very brain friendly!

  4. Consider your language - The power of language is everything! Whilst we do not always know or have the answer to something, there will be things we do know. Stick to the facts and use language such as 'what I do know is', or 'right now there is no change', 'business is as usual' and 'you are okay, I am here'.

  5. Validate and empathise - We are all going through this. No one is separate to or from this, but we all have individual circumstance that will impact how we experience these events. As a leader – use your supports (supervision, counselling, your mentor, family/friendships) for you so you are in the best possible place for your team. The uncertainty is tiring and frustrating for so many.

In short – look around you. What can you bring certainty to? What can you schedule in advance, what conversations can you prepare for? Let them know when you might expect to be in the office, or when you’re working from home. Make these little things more explicit and watch your teams’ level of psychological security thrive!


Practical tips for keeping staff engaged and connected (via the brain!